No one can succeed at anything alone, that includes authors.
Sure that first line sounds depressing, and it should. Because human society is set up in such a way that no one can live a comfortable life without hundreds or even of thousands of people actively helping their along the way. The sad reality is that no mater how hard a person works, if there aren't people who help them toward their goals, those goals will fail.
I know there are people reading this who are thinking that is not the case. They are thinking that those words are just making up excuses. They think, "I became successful with hard work, dedication, and grit. Anyone else could do it."
That's not how it works.
Have you eaten today? Did you grow that food? Did you hunt it? Did you gather it from the wild? If so, congratulations. You succeeded in achieving something entirely by yourself. Or did you?
If you grew plants from seed? Where did you get those seeds? Did you buy them or harvest them? If you hunted wild game, did you make your own weapon, or was it purchased? Were you wearing clothes? Did you make those clothes? Weave the fiber? Harvest it yourself? Did you have to drive anywhere to obtain any of the products you used to get your meal? In a vehicle you owned or publish transportation? Did you use a street?
How did you pay for any of the things involved in getting that meal you had today? Money? Who printed that money? Who created and who currently works for the institutions that make your financial transactions happen? What about the computers those institutions use and the programs that make those computers and financial transactions function? How did the people who supported your efforts to remain fed, get what you needed to the locations you needed them?
Yeah. Jobs. Careers. Businesses that are supported by their customers, their employees, their investors, and government subsidies.
There are actually very, very few people on this planet who will be able to say that they achieved feeding themselves today with their own hard work, let alone anything else they have. If any success any person has, is dependent on a financial transaction or education from others, they didn't do it on their own. Stop believing that line of propaganda.
They same is true for authors. Successful authors have to have so much support for things to go right for them. From having the education that allows them to write a coherent story, to the people who purchase and read that story, there are so many intermediaries. For self-published authors, the number of intermediaries is usually smaller. Less advertising, less editing, less people involved in the printing and distribution of the book.
The most successful self published-authors still start out with a lot of support. More support than the average self-published author. Some have huge social media networks. Some have the money for advertising campaigns, editors, and great covers. All of that is support.
Know it.
Understand it.
Believe it.
The point of this post is that businesses fail all the time, not for a lack of hard work and dedication, but for a lack of support. Whether that be financial support from sales/investors, or loyalty support from customers, or integrity from the employees, or emotional support from friends and family, from social media followers... support is necessary for success. No one succeeds alone.
No one.
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